Role Playing Card Game
The War of the Four Tribes is waging on and the leadership that once ruled over the land has been deposed. The Royal Hive is empty and the crown is up for grabs. Your tribe has put forth a party of brave bees to fight their way to the hive and obtain the crown. Good or bad, monster or friend, fortune or misfortune, you never know what you’ll encounter on the road to victory.
Honey Trap is a tabletop card game where the imagination can run wild and everyone can be a storyteller. With a cute bee theme, this competitive story game is packed full of interesting bee facts and cringy, but nonetheless funny, bee puns that are placed on every card. This game is for all ages and as many people that can fit at the dinner table.
The Capstone Project is a long-term project embedded in a specific aspect of the SVGS curriculum whose intent is to encourage students to reach beyond their academic work, extending and enhancing the traditional school experience outside of the classroom. The purpose of the Capstone Project is to provide students a unique opportunity to apply and develop academic and professional skills and interests in designing and implementing an authentic learning experience.
For my senior capstone, I had decided to combine my passion for art and my future plans of becoming a video game creative designer and make a card game. This project was a culmination of over 140 hours of research, design, and strategy that resulted in a table-top card game with unique designs and custom scenarios for 120 individual cards. From the months of August to May, I became a one-person game studio and did all the planning, designing, and logistical calculating that goes into making a card game.